Some interesting facts about the month of July:
* July was named by the Roman Senate to honor Julius Caesar. Quintilis, which was his birth month, was renamed July when he died.
* The birthstone is the ruby; a deep, red precious stone that is said to represent courage, success and contentment.
* July is the seasonal equivalent of January in the Northern Hemisphere.
* The water lily is the July birth month flower which symbolizes purity, hope and wellness. Larkspur is also associated with July and represents positivity.
* July is unique in that a grand total of seven U.S. Presidents have died in it– more than any other month.
Wishing the following folks a very Happy Birthday!!!

July 4 - Tiffany Porter, Gwinnett County Tax Commissioner
- Angela Walsh, Jasper County Tax Commissioner
July 5 - Lula Huff, Muscogee County Tax Commissioner
July 6 - Jessica Graham, AMS employee
July 7 - Debra Carter, Appling County Tax Commissioner
July 8 - Joy Hampton, Chattooga County Tax Commissioner July 9 - Donna Chapman, Pike County Tax Commissioner
- Derry Boyd, Walton County Tax Commissioner July 10 - Arthur Ferdinand, Fulton County Tax Commissioner
July 12 - Margorie Hines, Webster County Tax Commissioner
July 14 - Jeff Chapman, Glynn County Tax Commissioner
July 20 - Mark Kushinka, Houston County Tax Commissioner
July 23 - Fonda Lee, Atkinson County Tax Commissioner
July 27 - Chad Alexander, Tift County Tax Commissioner
July 30 - Rhonda Repress, Macon County Tax Commissioner